Quit smoking Cold turkey
Quit smoking Cold turkey is when you stop smoking at all and at once, without the aid of any quit smoking products or replacement therapy, sometimes without any particular plan or support …
Preparing to go cold turkey
Getting ready!
If you are planning to quit smoking cold turkey, then you need to:
Be ready to quit(knowing that you should quit is not enough)
have a strong desire to quit smoking(Without the desire to quit, any method that is used is likely to be doomed from the start)
prepare yourself and your mind very well to the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal
become educated about nicotine addiction and (you must take everything revolves around what might be happen during the quit smoking process, and also to write down all this for whatever you may experience during quit smoking)
Practice your willpower prior to your quit smoking attempt (. Small acts of self-control can help strengthen your willpower so that you are better prepared to handle moments of temptation when you do stop smoking.)
Make a plan
Some of ex smokers who went cold turkey didn’t made a plane to quit, but making a plane will help you be more firm about your decision to quit, and will make you more committed to the process
Setting a quit date
Pick a day on your calendar for starting to quit, you should take into consideration these conditions, which will help you
Pick a time of your week or month that will be stress-free (Stress can be big triggers for smokers)
Pick a quiet time of year when you have less on your calendar
You should pick a day on your calendar for starting to quit, and mark off every day that you have successfully gone without smoking. Pick a time of your week or month that will be the most stress-free, where you'll be less likely to break down and want a cigarette
While quitting
Withdrawal is going to happen. There is no getting around that. Symptoms of withdrawal can be managed, in both the short and the long term. The first week is usually the hardest for many smokers; the first withdrawal symptoms will be cravings for a cigarette. These cravings may seem constant, particularly over the first three days, but after that cravings slowly begin to decline.
Tips to cope with cravings:
Drink water when cravings begin.
Use distraction methods.
Remember that the craving is short lived.
Breathe deeply and slowly.
Use logic to dismiss the demands of the craving.
General tips to work through quitting cold turkey
Keep your body active so that you have less time to think about indulging in a craving
Keep your mouth active. Drink lots of water, tea, juice, or anything to keep your mind occupied.
Keep your hands busy. Squeeze a stress-relieving ball, doodle, play with your phone, or find another way to keep your hands busy so you don't end up reaching for a cigarette
Get some exercise. If you don't have an exercise routine, pick one up
Go for walks. This is a great thing to do, especially when you have a craving
Be more social: Take the opportunity of being more social by spending more time with your friends and family, and you'll not only be distracted from smoking, but you'll be happier
Accept more invitations. Take this as an opportunity to go to more events, even if you've avoided them in the past.
Invite a friend out for coffee, a walk, or a drink. Turn an acquaintance or a casual friend into a closer friend by taking the time to chat. Try to invite them to an activity that won't lead to one of your triggers.
When you hang out with friends and family, open up about how you're trying to quit. This will make you feel less alone and more supported.
Do something fun that involves activity. Go to a yoga class with a friend, go out dancing, or invite a friend for a hike or a trip to the beach to go swimming.( Finding a new healthy "addiction" to replace your smoking habit can help you refocus your energies and be more excited about your new routine instead of feeling like you're just slogging through your days without smoking)
remember to avoid temptation while you're being socially active. Don't go to parties where everyone is smoking or spend all of your time with your friends who are die-hard smokers, because that will make you much more likely to smoke. Find new ways to be socially active
Try to avoid hanging out with other smokers as much as you can.
Avoid the places where you used to buy cigarettes
Avoid situations where you tend to smoke.
Reacting Appropriately to a Relapse
If relapse does happen, it is best to not allow it to be discouraging. Relapsing is a setback, not a complete failure. Self-knowledge gained through relapsing can be used to combat the urge during the next round. And here is some questions you should ask yourself if you had relapse
Just one won’t hurt? : Yes, it will. Reintroduction causes withdrawal timeline to reset itself.
I deserve one for doing so well? : No. You deserve to have a healthy life. Find another reward.
I need one to calm down. : Nicotine is a short lived mask on a problem, not a solution. Cigarettes do not ease stress.
People using NRT still get nicotine, and so should I ?: People using NRT have their own plan, and nicotine levels in NRT are not the same as in a cigarette, nor do they act as quickly in the body as smoking.
advantages and disadvantages of the PROCESS.
If you have to quit because you have a serious health problem as a result of your smoking, quitting cold turkey will be the quickest way to improve your health or to keep it from further deteriorating. You will also be more motivated to do it on your own if you have a serious health risk.
You may feel more pain, but you'll feel it for a shorter amount of time. Instead of spending months or even a year dealing with medication and nicotine therapy and slowly weaning your body off nicotine, you will be able to conquer your addiction more quickly if you do succeed.
You may experience intense and unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, such as depression, insomnia, irritability, and anxiety.
You have less of a chance of success if you quit cold turkey than if you try to use a combination of other methods.
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