Our guide to quit smoking
Preparing to start the process of quitting smoking
It very good idea to write down the reasons whose makes you want to quit smoking and the reasons whose make it difficult , in order to look at the table you have made and remember why you want to quit, When it gets hard to resist not smoking
to not get sick
To have money for other things
because it's unauthorized to smoke while working
To make my family and friends happy
I've smoked for a long time
People around me smoke (friends, family )
That it’s not easy to attend a celebration without smoking
That I feel stress at work
(Those are only suggestions you may add your own reasons)
Preparing your mindset
The mind is the hardest element to control when it comes to quitting smoking ; and it’s really important to prepare it very well before start quitting; check this out ( I decided that the only way to quit smoking is to change my mind set. I picked up my pack of 20 cigarettes that I bought the night before, got a pair of scissors and cut the pack to shreds)
Choose a quitting day HERE’S HOW:
Choose a quitting day, 2 to 3 weeks in the future, but during this period , you should prepare yourself and make plan for the process of quitting
Choose a quitting day, during a period where you will not be going to a party or will be busy at work. For an example (during a vacation and for Muslims during Ramadan.)
You’d better think about what you will do when it gets tough, you may have problems when you start quit smoking. But you can manage them more easily if you have thought about them beforehand.
Ask your doctor, or get advice from your pharmacist: your chances of quitting smoking are five times better if you have help.
Tell your family and friends that you will be quitting, their help can make it easier, more over any available support is very needed
Throw out the cigarettes, lighters and ashtrays laying around while you’re quitting. Throw it all out.
Believe in your ability to quit smoking Even if you have tried previously and failed, you must believe that you will succeed this time.
Turn your habits around
Smoking is a habit. It can be helpful to change the habits you have in connection with smoking before you completely quit smoking.
Smoke less than you usually do. Every time you want to smoke, think about whether this particular cigarette is necessary.
Smoking less during the period up to quitting day helps some people.
Decide only to smoke in a few places, for example on the balcony.
Throw the lighter into a corner, once you’ve used it, so you’ll have to get up in order to light the next cigarette.
Keep the cigarettes on the top shelf in the closet so you’ll have to stand up on a chair to get them.
Change to a different brand.
Build up some good habits; you can make it easier on yourself if you try to build up some good habits.
Eat less fat – just 25 grams less butter or oil each day means that you won’t gain weight when you quit smoking.
Drink 1½ liters of water every day, about 6 glasses. Count the glasses to make sure you drink enough.
Eat 3 fruits and 3 vegetables every day(count every day, so you don’t lose track).
Take a walk after supper – without smoking.
Take your bicycle instead of the bus.
Play with your kids or grandchildren until you are out of breath.
Get ready to overcome the obstacle of withdrawal
If you’ve been smoking for years, your body and your brain are used to getting nicotine. You’ve become addicted. When you no longer get nicotine, your body reacts. You can experience withdrawal symptoms that can be felt both physically and mentally
• A great desire to smoke
• Nervousness and anxiety
• Difficulty concentrating
• More hunger
• Bad moods
• Coughing
• Headaches
The worst time will be 2 to 3 days after you have quit. After that it gets better, and 3 to 4 weeks after quitting smoking you will only experience withdrawal symptoms once in a while
. You may continue to feel the urge to smoke. But resist smoking even just one cigarette, because then your addiction will return.
To remember that my family is happy that I’m quitting smoking
To remember that quitting smoking makes me healthier
To remember that I have more money for other things O To remember my good reasons for quitting smoking
Quitting day
Encourage yourself and believe that you can quit smoking.
Throw all tobacco out along with everything that reminds you of smoking: cigarette butts, lighters and ashtrays. Remember to look in your pockets and handbags.
Tell your friends and family that you’ve quit and that you need their support.
Use your restlessness for something good. Take a walk, do the dishes, play with the kids
Drink tea, water or juice instead of coffee the first weeks after you quit.
Leave the table as soon as you’re done eating – and clear it off.
Brush your teeth or drink water, when you feel the urge for a cigarette.
Go to bed early with a good book. This day doesn’t need to last any longer than necessary.
Praise yourself before falling asleep. It was good to get through the first day
Here’s what you can do if you start feeling badly
When your body is no longer getting the nicotine from cigarettes that it is used to, you can start feeling poorly. You get withdrawal symptoms. Here’s a list of the most common symptoms and what you can do to get through this.
Strong urge to smoke
Take a walk, brush your teeth, suck on a sugar-free lozenge, drink a glass of water and count to 50. You can also call a friend ….
Influenza-like discomfort
Be extra good to yourself, rest, drink a cup of tea, put on a warm sweater, take a bath.
Nervousness, anxiety and restlessness:
Take a walk or jog, clean house, avoid coffee.
Difficulty concentrating
Move around, take a break.
Eat green, lean and unrefined food, drink a glass of water, use toothpicks. Avoid fatty and sweet foods
bad moods
Exercise and do things that make you happy. Talk with your partner/ friends about how hard it is for you right now.
More coughing
It is completely natural to cough a bit more when you quit smoking. Think of the coughing as a cleansing process – it lasts for a while, until the lungs are functioning properly again.
Drink a glass of water, go for a walk, and take a painkiller.
The urge to smoke can still turn up
A long time after you’ve quit smoking, you can still want to smoke. Don’t! You’ll quickly become a smoker again
When I feel a terrible urge to smoke coming on, I get totally panicked, when I think I can never smoke again. Instead, I think about avoiding smoking for one more hour. Then the urge disappears and when the hour is over, I couldn’t dream of smoking again.”
The urge to smoke disappears again after a few minutes. Here’s some good advice if you get the urge to smoke:
• Take a walk
• Eat a piece of fruit
• Think about your reasons for quitting
• Straighten up the house
• Call a friend
• Take a deep breath
• Drink a glass of water
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